Web and mobile apps

Quickly build and reliably run the backend of your web and mobile apps using our developer-friendly, production-ready cloud platform.

Power your application with our infrastructure

When you’re building a web or mobile application, you need to develop and deliver your app quickly. DigitalOcean has the cloud computing services you need, with predictable pricing, robust documentation, and scalability to support your application as it grows.

Fast and flexible computing

Not only is DigitalOcean easy to operate, it’s built with best-in-class Intel processors that run your app at blazing speeds. Cloud Spectator, a renowned benchmarking firm, found that DigitalOcean delivers superior price-performance compared to Amazon and Google. With DigitalOcean, you can choose whether to run your app directly on VMs or Kubernetes.

Droplets (IaaS)

Droplets (IaaS)

Run and manage your app directly on our VMs, or as we call them, Droplets. Choose between Basic, General Purpose, CPU-Optimized, or Memory-Optimized VMs. Spin up Droplets with your choice of Linux OS in 55 seconds or less.

DigitalOcean Kubernetes (KaaS)

DigitalOcean Kubernetes (KaaS)

Spin up a managed Kubernetes cluster in minutes, and run your app as microservices using Docker containers. Scale up or down as needed. Pay only for your worker nodes, as the master is free.

Database deliverance

The days of licensing expensive databases and running them on-premises are long gone. With DigitalOcean, you can easily use any one of our open source Managed Databases. Create a cluster in just a few minutes, and only pay for actual resource usage.